
Vinified by the Sun


Sustainable Solar Energy

We introduced the new ‘Vinified by the Sun’ logo in 2016, celebrating our commitment to clean, renewable energy and environmental sustainability. This logo features on all Vrede en Lust wine labels, referencing the farm’s 220KVA solar power generating system.

The impressive installation of over 1000 solar panels occupies an expansive stretch in the vineyards of our estate.

It allows the farm to operate completely independently from the national grid during sunlight hours, supplying sufficient electricity for the running of the cellar, restaurant, offices, wine tasting and the entire hospitality division, even during high season.

Built in 2013, the solar installation is one of the biggest and one of the first of its kind in the South African wine industry.

In its first year of operation it allowed Vrede en Lust Estate to save 297.92 TCO2 – thereby contributing towards cutting our carbon footprint by nearly half.


Car Charger

We have an electric car charging station by BMW Paarlberg to charge up while visiting our farm.



The farm’s commitment to environmental sustainability spans much further, and encompasses various aspects of farming and production practices, such as:

of all waste
Reducing the use of chemicals and the environmentally safe treatment of effluent water
water wastage
Applying gravity irrigation
in all vineyards
Electric car
charging station
Biodegradable and eco-friendly products used in our hospitality department
As an industry leader in renewable energy, Vrede en Lust Estate is continuously looking for new ways to lessen its impact on the environment and to utilise scarce natural resources sustainably. This is especially relevant at a time when persistent extreme dry and hot conditions across the winelands, coupled with economic pressure, are forcing farmers to find innovative solutions to overcome grave challenges to their livelihood.